Leoncin Eco Blue Villiage

 The future of leoncin

How can Leoncin keep its uniqueness and identity?

How to develop the area creating profits for people and nature?


The uniqueness of Leoncin lies in its location. It includes a part of the Kampinos National Park and its lagging, being the largest green enclave near Warsaw. It is also the river Vistula blended into the landscape of municipality. Being a part of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area, the municipality may develop keeping its local character and village atmosphere. Biodiversity, high-utility arable grounds as well as a good microclimate along Vistula form a basis for the local economy. They define the area as extremely valuable. Especially for building an ecological image of the region and eco-village. Healthy, locally produced organic food, recreation and leisure can serve as its symbols.


Strategy of development and projects

Development of Leoncin as a municipality aspiring to the “eco” status should harmonise with its identity. In addition to the landscape, cultural heritage, traditions, its identity has been shaped by quality management and local architectural elements. Activities taken by the municipality should build a coherent programme of action, information and marketing strategy. The expectation is to preserve the spatial order, which will harmonise with the implementation of the following initiatives and projects:


  • Leoncin – Urbanization Resilience
  • Leoncin – Possibility Through Eco-Living, Eco-Learning and Eco-Working
  • BeEco – Eco – loyalty program of Eco-Blue Leoncin towards inhabitants of Warsaw


One of the goals is to build and promote “The Kampinos Taste” brand, recognisable for the quality of surrounding, services and locally produced food.


Project leoncin – urbanisation resilience

The Model of Leoncin as a future Eco Blue Village is a spatially, socially and economically balanced area. According to the model, the area creates an offer of local services, which promotes a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle, supports entrepreneurship, maintains the spatial harmony, creates a friendly space for recreation, tourism and education development as well as other activities, based on the pattern of pro-ecological behaviours. It develops its infrastructure and offer in response to the increasing social expectations towards quality of life, food and leisure forms. Organic farming sets the direction for the development of local economy of the municipality.


BeECO – eco-loyalty program of eco-blue leoncin towards inhabitants of warsaw

BeECO are the municipal actions aimed at acquiring demanding customers of eco-services. Attracting their trust and loyalty to the offer of the municipality is a priority. Addressees include the inhabitants of the Warsaw agglomeration. One of the goals is to build relationships and to draw attention to what the area has to offer currently and what it can offer in the future. More partners and clients means a greater potential for the development of the municipality


The leoncin – possibility through eco-living, eco-learning and eco-working

The concept of Eco-village in the surrounding of Warsaw agglomeration provides an exceptional chance and development perspective for the municipality of Leoncin. Combining of a series of thematically linked activities including eco-education, eco-business, eco-craftsmanship, eco-tourism, eco-recreation, eco-shops etc. sets up a ground for the development of an interesting theme offer of the municipality. The co-operation of local groups of farmers interested in the development and care about the quality of the environment, organising joint events, fairs, festivals, will contribute to the strengthening of the local entrepreneurship.